HTRAGS 2 - Maybe undead?

So... it's been a couple years. Almost 2 years since the launch of How To Rob A Gas Station 2. Boy what a disappointment that was (for me at least).

But abandoning future development of updates (and abandoning the community... sorry) was NOT the right decision. About all I can say to justify it is... at least it was free? But still, that was wrong of me to completely give up. I tried coming up with game ideas and other projects but I couldn't get any of them off the ground. And sometimes I'd come back to develop the elusive 2.0 update for How To Rob A Gas Station 2.

But now I'm out of high school! And I also have a fully remote job involving app development (using Unity... ew...). And after taking a bit of a rest after ending school and working. I got the itch, the itch to make something, ANYTHING! But I just couldn't even get any ideas past "elevator pitch" ideas. So I never worked on any of them. I have some small graphical demos I made in Godot 4 but I never got them past "test level with various materials to test lighting". And guess what everything led me back to: HTRAS 2 2.0.

I cleaned off my horribly filthy desk and with the motivation I got from cleaning my desk, I took some of that motivation and put it into HTRAGS 2 2.0. And I think I got it this time, as long as I don't hit any major snags in development.

I don't want to promise anything though, but I gotta give myself a deadline in order to get stuff done (thanks ADHD!).

August 28, the 2 year anniversary of How To Rob A Gas Station 2's release. That's the deadline I'm setting for myself to get this stupid update done. Will it be a bit late? Probably. But I'll try my DAMN best to get it out at that time.

As for now, keep on living your life guys. Stay healthy, you wanna see this update don't you? If not for the update, do it for GTA 6.

Get How To Rob A Gas Station 2


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(1 edit)

hell yeah
