Update later today

Hello from my phone! I am currently out of town, so I can’t provide any screenshots, unfortunately. But, I can explain what the update will contain.

New ending:

Yeah you read that right, there’s a new ending! Just one though. All I’m going to reveal is that it involves the rats

Cool GUI updates:

The GUI has some more life in it now. Instead of boring black backgrounds, it now has real backgrounds! Using textures and 3D scenes and junk. Though honestly, the 3D scene (used in the main menu) could just be a texture… oh well. I’ll probably take advantage of it at some point.

Not a huge update, but it’s got a new ending, which I know some of you guys asked for. I’ll put it up later today.

Oh also, you’ll be able to piss in the sink now. You’re welcome speedrunners.

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