v2.3 Update

You bet your sillies I made a new update to How To Rob A Gas Station. I was writing a devlog earlier but I closed my browser on accident and Itch doesn't autosave drafts so... I'm doing this again!


Yes! I added a pause screen into the game! It's pretty much identical to the one in HTRAGS 2. You can resume, reset, and quit to main menu. Nothing crazy. But why did I add it? Well that's because I was looking through my old devlogs when I saw that I mentioned I might add a pause menu at some point... And I, uh, forgot about that... But hey, better late than never, right?


Yeah I know, boooo it's not a new ending boo (but that might come in the future... MIGHT! No promises). But basically I took a bug that someone reported a couple months ago. And I thought it was funnier to just turn it into an easter egg rather than patching it out. It doesn't really do much (yet) to be honest, but I like the programming I did to make it work, it's elegant. Anyways if you want a hint, then look in the comments, you'll find the bug report.


There's not much to say for this one, but basically I added a loading screen into the Android port because some lower-end/older phones would take a little longer to load the level on OpenGL 3. On OpenGL 2 it loaded quickly on slower phones. But faster phones never had an issue with loading on OpenGL 3. And I didn't want to compromise the visuals (yes, there is a difference I promise), so I just added a loading screen to let users of slower phones that the game IS doing something and it didn't freeze. The Vita build needed this the most because of how LONG it took to load stuff on there, but I didn't add it on the Vita until now so... yeah! Sorry Vita owners!

P.S. Turns out I DID have a lot to say.


NO MORE TYPO! Yeah, there was a typo that was there since DAY ONE!!! I never caught it actually. It was nothing major. Basically when you're in the gas station and you grab the chips it would say "Step: 9". Which is incorrect because all the other steps would be "Step x:". I caught this typo and I fixed it, so now "Step: 9" became "Step 9:" as God intended.

THE CREDITS AREN'T WEIRD! I don't think it showed up in the last desktop version of the game. But it did show up in the last Android version! (Basically, some text that wasn't supposed to be on screen yet was halfway on screen). It was a simple animation bug, I must've exported that version without resetting the animation. Oh well. It's properly fixed now.

As for the future, I'll keep working on HTRAGS 2 2.0, I just did this right now because I wanted the game out on Google Play with a bit of a touch-up. As for the future after HTRAGS 2 2.0... I don't know. I don't know what else I'll do after that. Well, obviously update the game a bit more after that, maybe even more endings or something, I don't know. But once HTRAGS 2 is all finally wrapped up... I don't know. I don't know what I'll do after that. But as for now, stay alive and healthy people.


HowToRobAGasStation.exe 78 MB
Jul 19, 2024
HowToRobAGasStationGLES2.exe 78 MB
Jul 19, 2024
HowToRobAGasStation.x86_64 80 MB
Jul 19, 2024
HowToRobAGasStationGLES2.x86_64 80 MB
Jul 19, 2024
HowToRobAGasStation.apk 95 MB
Jul 19, 2024
How To Rob A Gas Station.vpk 49 MB
Jul 19, 2024
HTML5.zip Play in browser
Jul 19, 2024

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god i love this damn game. very excited for the next POtO Software masterpiece haha.